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  • What impressed you most about the product / service
  • Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with our product / service
  • What do you like about the product / service?
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  • Compared to similar products offered by other companies, how do you consider our product
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  • Would you recommend our product / service to other people
ID Submit date Full Name Email For how long have you been using our product / service Other How often do you use our product / service
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-11-08
Mr gfd sgfgsfg qwert@kleeberg.biz Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-31
Mr jalal jalal jalalalal@gmail.com Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-29
Mrs fsdaf fasdf fas@gmail.com 1 - 3 years Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-25
Mr review review review@yahoo.com Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-21
Mr Jan Nowak poczt@wp.pl 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-12
Mr Dewi kartika dewicartica@yahoo.com Over 3 years Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-10
Mr asd asd sdfdsf@adas.uk Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-06
Mr fkuy ,jghf kristaps.kr@gmail.com 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-10-05
Mr ben van maanen ben@gmail.com Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-28
Mr d d dfd@ghf.yjdt Over 3 years Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-26
Mr aaa www aaaa@aawwwaa.com 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-25
Mrs hjhj hjhj sa@a.fd 1 - 3 years Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-25
Mr ivan ivanov asodklal@mail.ru Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-22
Mr Test Test test@test.cz 1 - 3 years 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-11
Mr aaaaa sssss test@test.ru 1 - 12 months Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-07
Mr gfh dfghdfgh fdghdfgh@fgdfg.fr 1 - 3 years Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-05
Mrs rgrgerg rgerger rggr@gdg.com 1 - 3 years Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-01
Mr Giovanny CastaƱeda ceo@dyd.net.co Over 3 years 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-01
Mr juan gonzalez colboshe.edu.co@gmail.com 1 - 12 months Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-09-01
Mr Giovanny Castaneda ceo@dyd.net.co 1 - 3 years Once a month