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  • For how long have you been using our product / service
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  • What impressed you most about the product / service
  • Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with our product / service
  • What do you like about the product / service?
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  • Compared to similar products offered by other companies, how do you consider our product
  • Would you use our product / service in the future
  • Would you recommend our product / service to other people
ID Submit date Full Name Email For how long have you been using our product / service Other How often do you use our product / service
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-30
Mr John Doe guru@guru.com 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-28
Miss قث قثق olding197@yahoo.com 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-22
Mr Daniel Pèrez info@esquitofrenia.net 1 - 12 months Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-18
Mr dasdas dsad sdadas@sadasd.com 1 - 12 months Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-17
Mr sss sss sss@sss.ss 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-16
Mr asdasd sdfsdf sdfsdf@fghgh.hu 1 - 12 months Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-08-15
Mrs ytyt yty ytyt@df.com 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-27
Mr testa testb test@test.de 1 - 3 years 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-23
Mrs re rere my@email.com 1 - 3 years 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-22
Mrs dewi k dewicartica@yahoo.com 1 - 12 months Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-15
Mrs yuy6ut ytutyu eyrty@sdd.com 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-14
Miss My name Lastname ahkenlee@yahoo.com.hk 1 - 12 months Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-14
Mrs 1 1 1@1 1 - 12 months 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-12
Mr as ssa asdas@soulmkt.com.br 1 - 12 months Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-03
Mr da sdasd sdasd@asdas.com 1 - 12 months Once a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-07-01
Mrs fghf hgfhgf fhgf@sfd.bhj Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-06-28
Mr Alex Mod berumla@yandex.ru 1 - 3 years 2 - 3 time a month
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-06-24
Mrs re rer ev@ya.ru Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-06-24
Mrs t t t@t.de Less than a month Once a week
Submit by: Guest
On: 2016-06-24
Mr 英语 inglese chanpintupian@163.com Over 3 years Once a month